10 - 16 September is Suicide Awareness Week. This is an issue which has affected many clubs in our league. The Irish Football Association invites clubs from throughout Northern Ireland to take part in the ‘Mind Your Head’ Campaign. The campaign aims to improve health and well-being within the community by raising awareness and understanding of Mental Health issues.
What will the ‘Mind Your Head’ Campaign do?
- Social media launch of the Irish FA Mental Health & Wellbeing strategy, using video to raise awareness of the campaign.
- Education programme to improve awareness and understanding of Mental Health issues.
- Provide ongoing support and advice to clubs to ensure football can be used as a vehicle to promote positive Mental Health and Wellbeing within our communities.
Who Is It For?
The ‘Mind Your Head’ Campaign is calling on proactive clubs to become ‘Champions’ for promoting positive Mental Health and Wellbeing within their community.
How Will It Benefit Your Club?
You will be part of our exciting social media launch by receiving our launch toolkit (launch guide, awareness video, social media information and other resources) in advance, so your club can release the information at the same time as the Irish FA.
Training for your club to;
1. Raise Awareness and Understanding of Mental Health issues
2. Learn useful strategies to deal with issues if they appear with your club
3. Prevent emotional burnout in your coaches
4. Explore the services and support available in your area
Continued ongoing support and advice to ensure your club builds capacity to be a Mental Health and Wellbeing Champion.
You will receive the Irish FA Health & Well Being Resource Pack which include training equipment and resources.
By taking part in the campaign you will receive a certificate that will count towards to the McDonald’s Club Mark accreditation
To Get Involved
There are limited resource packs available, so please register your interest by following the link below.
Mental Health Campaign Register
For more information contact Sarah Keys sarah.keys@irishfa.com